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Clear your Xbox 360 hard drive's cache
In the Xbox 360 dashboard, select "memory" in the system blade and highlight your Xbox 360 hard drive. Now press: [Y], [X], [X], [Left Bumper], [Right Bumper], [X], [X]. You should recieve a message that says, "This will perform maintenance on your Xbox 360 storage devices. Do you want to continue?" If you click yes, your Xbox 360 will clear it's hard drive cache. If you click no, you'll be returned back to your dashboard menu. This will help your Xbox 360 run a tad faster and fix freezing issues.

Custom background using a PSP
Note: Your PSP must have photos on it. Plug your PSP into the USB ports on the bottom of the system. On the PSP, choose the "USB Connection" option. On the Xbox 360, go to the "Media" slide and choose "Pictures". Then, choose the "Portable" option. Go into the PSP file and the photos file. Any photos on your PSP should appear here. When you find the picture you would like to be your background, press [X]. If done correctly, the background on every slide should appear to have the picture on it.

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