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There are no cheats for this game available for download...
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Daret Town: Normal (20) - You have made it through the Daret Town level on Normal.
Gil'ead City: Normal (20) - You have made it through the Gli'ead City level on Normal.
Ra'zac Chase: Normal (20) - You have beaten the Ra'zac Chase level on Normal.
Gil'ead Keep: Normal (20) - You have made it through the Gil'ead Keep level on Normal.
The Spine Mountains: Normal (20) - You have made it through the Spine Mountains level on Normal.
Daret Docks: Normal (20) - You have made it through the Daret Docks level on Normal.
Trapped: Normal (20) - You have beaten the Trapped! level on Normal.
Carvahall: Normal (20) - You have made it through the Carvahall level on Normal.
Daret Bridge: Normal (20) - You have made it through the Daret Bridge level on Normal.
The Spine Mountains: Hard (30) - You have made it through the Spine Mountains level on Hard.
Trapped: Hard (30) - You have beaten the Trapped! level on Hard.
Ra'zac Chase: Hard (30) - You have beaten the Ra'zac Chase level on Hard.
Gil'ead City: Hard (30) - You have made it through the Gli'ead City level on Hard.
Daret Bridge: Hard (30) - You have made it through the Daret Bridge level on Hard.
Daret Docks: Hard (30) - You have made it through the Daret Docks level on Hard.
Daret Town: Hard (30) - You have made it through the Daret Town level on Hard.
Carvahall: Hard (30) - You have made it through the Carvahall level on Hard.
Gil'ead Keep: Hard (30) - You have made it through the Gil'ead Keep level on Hard.

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