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Level generator codes
Enter "smashsumfruit" (North American version) for a tiny island with all the worms. As you start it, all worms will be destroyed by a big explosion and the result will be a tie.

Enter "marijuana" (North American version) for a massive island map.

Set the theme to "Arctic" then enter "Bigape" (North American version) for a landscape with two frozen submarines, two ice slides and several ice bridges.

Set the theme to "War" then enter "bangbang" (North American version) for a map with a blimp held up by a metal wire and a few large islands.

Set the theme to "England" and then enter "igotworms" (North American version) for a landscape with a bridge leading to a house on a very steep cliff.

Enter "spire" (North American version) for a moderately sized low altitude map with two blimps. Both blimps are held with steel rope.

Enter "slipknot" (North American version) for a pirate-based map with an airship.

Enter "steller" (North American version) for a horror-based map that is quite small and very explosive.

Enter "sugarcult" (North American version) for a big winter wonderland.

Enter "finalfantasy" (North American version) for a small winter wonderland.

Enter "7873155" (North American version) for an England-based map with a lot of bridges.

Enter "doggystyle" (North American version) for a lunar-based map with a spaceship and giant laser gun.

Enter "bigfoot" (North American version) a level with a huge hollow pyramid shaped island, and two smaller islands.

Enter "jackassthemovie" (North American version) for a level with a small amount of land with ghosts at night.

Enter "Jamie Finegan" (North American version) for a level with a massive island.

Enter "90210" (North American version) for a map with a few hour glasses and some small and large islands.

Enter "257462320" or "194915571" (European version) for a very small map that only contains a little bit ground and a tiny bridge.

Enter "1585104494" (European version) for a very high altitude map.

Enter "241780260 Worms3D" (European version) for a very long map.

Enter "221350867" (European version) for a map with four consecutive submarines.
Voice option
On campaign level where you have to fix computer monitor, get yourself some room to breathe by killing the enemies, or do the code as it is, although you are very likely to get blown up. Jump on the keys on the keyboard and spell "TEAM17" (no spaces). You will get a message at the top of the screen stating that you unlocked a hidden Easter Egg. The secret is a new voice option for teams.

Play the Nobody Rides For Free mission, where you need to collect the three boxes of land mines. Play for awhile and a fourth box will appear where you started the level. When you collect it, you will get a message that you have found an Easter Egg. The voice that you unlocked is called "Grandpa".

In the Grave Danger mission (where you must blow open the graves with grenades), behind one of the houses is a very small circle-shaped grave. There is steam or smoke coming out of the grave, just like the big ones. Drop a grenade on top of the grave, jump down into the grave, and you will get a message that you have found an Easter Egg. The voice that you unlocked is called "Horror".

In levels where there are objects floating in the air, if you teleport onto them sideways, there is a chance that you will actually teleport inside the object. This is especially true for the green air ships.

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