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There are no cheats for this game available for download...
Cheat mode
Start a game. Press [Back] during game play to display the main menu. Then, hold [L] + [R] + click Left Analog-stick + click Right Analog-stick, and quickly press [White], [Black]x2, [White]x2, [Black] at the main menu. A cheat option will appear. The cheat menu will have "All Weapons" and "Refill" (restores ammunition, painkillers, and bullet time) options. To use these cheats, press [Back] during game play and select the desired options at the cheat menu. Then, press [Back] to resume game play. Note: Other cheats in the cheat menu must be unlocked during game play.

Alternately, hold [L]+ [R] and quickly press [White], [Black]x2, [White]x2 [Black] at the main menu. You will have full health, unlimited painkillers, all weapons, and unlimited ammunition. The other cheats must be earned by completing the game.

Successfully complete the game and unlock the rest of the difficulty levels to unlock the "All Weapons" cheat.

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