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Secret books
Successfully complete the following levels to unlock the corresponding secret book.
Attack at Cedarleaf: Zhai's Past
The Wizard's Tower: Khelben's Letter
The Jungles of Chult: Illius' Youth
The Yuan-Ti Temple: Nesme's Fall
Stand at Mithral Hall: Cireka's Vow Drizzt's Journal
Into the Underdark: Ygorl And The Dragon
Picture gallery
Successfully complete the following levels to unlock the corresponding picture in the gallery.
War in Damara: Battlefield
Gemspark: Concept Art
Attack at Cedarleaf: Cedarleaf
The Wizard's Tower: Wizards Tower
The Jungles of Chult: Chult Jungle
The Yuan-Ti Temple: Chult Temple
Stand at Mithral Hall: Mithral
Into the Underdark: Githyanki Outpost
The Dragon's Lair: Dragon
The Lord of Chaos: Limbo

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