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Unlock Bonuses
Unlock the following bonuses by colleting the special item crates in the corresponding levels and then finishing it:

Level 1-1 - The Astronaut hat.
Level 1-2 - The R.I.P. gravestone.
Level 1-3 - The Creepy speech-bank.
Level 1-4 - The Insignia flag.
Level 1-5 - The Eyeball hat.
Level 2-1 - The Alien hat.
Level 2-2 - The Post gravestone.
Level 2-3 - The Captain speech-bank.
Level 2-4 - The Strong Worm flag.
Level 2-5 - The Logical speech-bank.
Level 3-1 - The Helmet hat.
Level 3-2 - The Obelisk gravestone.
Level 3-3 - The Doctor speech-bank.
Level 3-4 - The Meteor flag.
Level 3-5 - The Zap flag.
Level 4-1 - The Padded Hat.
Level 4-2 - The Digital gravestone.
Level 4-3 - The Babe speech-bank.
Level 4-4 - The Crush flag.
Level 4-5 - The Petrified gravestone.
Level 5-1 - The Red hat.
Level 5-2 - The Slab gravestone.
Level 5-3 - The Female Computer speech-bank.
Level 5-4 - The Tentacle flag.
Level 5-6 - The Visor hat.
Level 6-1 - The Yellow hat.
Level 6-2 - The Cross gravestone.
Level 6-3 - The Princess speech-bank.
Level 6-4 - The Bolt flag.
Level 6-5 - The Column gravestone.
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