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There are no cheats for this game available for download...
Cheat Codes
Enter the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat effect:

[Green], [Green], [Blue], [Green], [Green], [Green], [Yellow], [Green] - All HOPOs.
[Green], [Green], [Red], [Red], [Yellow], [Blue], [Yellow], [Blue] - Always Slide.
[Green], [Green], [Red], [Red], [Yellow], [Red], [Yellow], [Blue] - Contest Winner 1.
[Green], [Red], [Green], [Green], [Yellow], [Green], [Green], [Green] - HUD Free Mode.
[Green], [Red], [Yellow], [Yellow], [Yellow], [Blue], [Blue], [Green] - Invisible Characters.
[Red], [Red], [Blue], [Yellow], [Green], [Green], [Green], [Yellow] - Air Instruments.
[Yellow], [Green], [Red], [Blue], [Blue], [Blue], [Blue], [Red] - AutoKick.
[Yellow], [Green], [Red], [Green], [Yellow], [Blue], [Green], [Green] - Focus Mode.
[Yellow], [Yellow], [Blue], [Red], [Blue], [Green], [Red], [Red] - Performance Mode.
[Blue], [Blue], [Green], [Green], [Red], [Green], [Red], [Yellow] - Unlock All Characters.
[Blue], [Blue], [Red], [Green], [Green], [Blue], [Blue], [Yellow] - Unlock All Songs (Quickplay).

Unlock Features
Focus Mode - As a drummer, hit 265 tom notes on "Brianstorm" (in The Golden Gate venue).
Hud-Free Mode - As a vocalist, get Excellent on 75 consecutive phrases in the rap song "Bring The Noise 20XX" (in Neon Oasis venue).
Performance Mode - With two players, get a band multipler for 42 seconds on "Bleed American" (in The Aqueduct venue).
Auto-kick Chear - As drummer, hit 200 non-cymbal notes on "Mirror People" (in Angel's Crypt venue, fills don't count).
Quickplay Venue "Wormhole" - As guitarist, 4X multiplier for 50sec on "Play That Funky Music" (in Sideshow venue).
FrankenRocker - Complete the Diamond challenge on A-Punk on bass (in Career mode).

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