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There are 4 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
Etna Mode
There is a hidden mode in Disgaea Portable called Etna mode. Normally you have to get this mode by going through the game and reading Etna's diary every chapter, but you can unlock it instantly by entering the following code during the title screen, with the pointer on "New Game." If you're successful, you'll hear Etna's voice.

[Triangle], [Square], [X], [Triangle], [Square], [X], [Circle] - Unlock Etna Mode (JP)
[Triangle], [Square], [Circle], [Triangle], [Square], [Circle], [X] - Unlock Etna Mode (US)

Unlock Classes
Galaxy Mage - Level a Prism Mage to Level 50.
Scout - 2 Fighters/Warriors, Males or Females, each at level 5 or higher.
Star Mage - Get 1 Fire,Ice and Wind Mage and level all 3 of them to level 5.
Galaxy Skull - Level a Prism Skull to Level 50.
Angel - Female Cleric, Knight and Archer all at level 100 or higher.
Archer - Level 3 or higher in Bow Weapon Mastery.
Ninja - Male Fighter and Male Warrior with a total level of 10 or higher.
Prism Mage - Level a Star Mage to Level 35.
Prism Skull - Level a Skull Mage to Level 35.
Rogue - Both Fighter and Warrior, Males or Females, each at level 5 or higher.
EDF Soilder - Level 30 or higher Gun Weapon Mastery.
Knight - Female Warrior and Female Mage each at level 10 or higher
Majin - Male Warrior, Brawler, Ninja, Rogue and Scout all at level 200 or higher.
Ronin - Female Warrior and Female Fighter with a total level of 10 or higher.
Star Skull - Get 1 Fire,Ice and Wind Skull and level all 3 of them to level 5.

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