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Unlock Fame Rewards
Finish the game by beating a previous dungeon in record time. This will give you Fame Points equal to each second below the established mark in that Dungeon's floor. By talking to Hiyoji (who is resting under a palm in the southern beach in this game), you will gain rewards based on the amount of Fame you have won:

5 Fame - 1 Gold.
10 Fame - The Job Change feature in Hiyo's Ship.
30 Fame - Artifact "Widen".
50 Fame - The "Back Alley" VIP-only shop in Hiyo's Ship (can also be won by getting to the 5th Dungeon in the Moving Door).
70 Fame - The MML Sample Data for "Red Moon" (from Disgaea) for purchase in the Back Alley (Buy for 200G).
150 Fame - The MML Sample Data for "The Explosion" (ClaDun 1's Final Boss BGM) for purchase in the Back Alley (buy for 1,000G).
200 Fame - The "Time Attack" Dungeon for purchase in the Back Alley (buy for 7,777G).
300 Fame - BGM songs from ClaDun 1 for purchase in the Back Alley.
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