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There are 2 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
Debug mode
Begin game play and create a saved game. Reset the Super Nintendo console and wait until the American Sammy logo is fully displayed. Then, press [Up], [Down], [Up], [Down], [Select], [Start] on controller two before the logo disappears again. Select the "Continue" option, and press [Select]. The, press [Start] on controller two. The word "Debug" will appear next to "Status" to confirm correct code entry. Note: This code also activates invincibility.

Alternately, create a saved game and reset the SNES. When the Sammy logo appears, press [Start] on controller two. The Sammy logo will freeze, then continue after about five seconds. While the logo is frozen, press [Up], [Down], [Up], [Down], [Select], [Start] on controller two. Select "Continue" with controller one and start a saved game. Bring up the menu and select the status screen with controller one. Then, press [Select] on controller two The word "Debug" will appear next to the word "Status" on the status screen. You are now invincible. Your life level will go down, but will then keep resetting to full life.

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