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There are 5 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
Hidden sequence
Successfully complete the game and wait at the "The End" screen until a new screen appears.

Easy jewels
To make easy jewels, go to the rice stand at the top of the market in Nobilia. Buy her rice (3 jewels per bag) until you cannot buy anymore. Then, go to the appraisal stand. Sell her the rice and you will gain about 100 jewels more than you paid to buy the rice. Repeat until you have as many jewels as needed.

Once you get to World 2 and cross the desert, enter the bazaar and go to the appraisal stand. Pay her five jewels for nothing, then buy a trade item and sell it. When she is done, she will give you five more jewels each time. Note: Once you switch screens you must repeat the process.

When you go to Nobila before the first meeting at the Sacred Dog Statue (before you fight in the Coliseum), look for a pot in between the Rice and Spice dealers. There was a basket in the way before, but it should be gone now. Inside is 500 jewels. You will have to look beforehand to know exactly where to find it. There is only one place in between Rice and Spice dealers. Note: You can get these jewels later, before you fight Aegis.

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