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There are no cheats for this game available for download...
Cheat mode
All the simulations must be won before the cheat functions can be activated. After this has been accomplished, enter the following controller actions after the Sega screen appears. Note: Code entry must be completed before the Acclaim screen is displayed.

NFC/AFC modePress A, B, A, B, A, B.
Easy fumblesPress C, A, B, C, A, B.
No fumblesPress B, A, B, A, B, A.
No play endPress B, A, Start(4).
Up and over divesPress C, A, Start(2), A, B.
Speed burst Press B, A, C(2), A, Start.
Rookie teamPress Start, A, Down, A, Start(2).
Slippery fieldPress A(6).
Iguana/Acclaim teamsPress Down, A, Down(2), A, Down.
Blackout modePress Start, A, Down, Start, A Down.
Grenade modePress Down(2), Start, Down(2), Start.
Crazy ball modePress Down, Start, C, A, B, Down.
Stealth mode Press Start(2), B, Start(2), B.
Power teamPress B, A, Down, A, Start(2).

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