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There is 1 cheat for this game available for download... download page!
Orb locations
Green Orb
Step on Red, Yellow, Green, Blue.

Blue Orb
Move the compass North, East, West, South.

Yellow Orb
Move the statues in the following order. Moon, Star, Dark, Light.

Red Orb
Get the music box and play the tune on the tuning forks.

Red Orb/tuning forks puzzle
You do not have to have the music box in order to solve the Red Orb puzzle (with the tuning forks). The music box only serves as a guide to help you solve the puzzle. To solve the puzzle, visualize the positions of the tuning forks as a diamond. The puzzle can be solved by hitting the forks in the following order: Bottom, Left, Right, Top, Left, Right, Bottom.

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