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There are 2 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
Chapter select
When the message "Legend Of The Final Hero" appears after the story introduction, hold [A] + [B] + [C] and press [Start]. The screen will display "Chapter 1". Press [Up] or [Down] to cycle through the other available chapters. When the desired chapter is displayed, press [Start] to begin the game from there. Note: The chapter will start with the maximum possible life value for the beginning of that chapter. You can only select up to the highest chapter that you have played. For example, if you completed chapter 1, chapter 2 will be available, but not chapter 3. Aarzak will start with the minimum power bar amount for that chapter (at the white mark that was needed to complete the last chapter). Once the system is powered off, the chapter select data will be lost.

Increasing the power bar
Before Aarzak can move onto each individual chapter, the power bar must be flashing red and white (must reach the nearest white mark on the gauge). If not, you will find that when you reach the Chapter Boss, he cannot be defeated. The background may look slightly duller in color as an indication of this. When the power reaches the white mark, Aarzak will beef up and be able to use better punches and kicks (more rapid) as well as a completely new scissor kick. If the bar has not reached the white mark, go through the sections already explored again to defeat more enemies and earn power. Also, press [Up] when in front of a door in any of the labyrinth areas to face some standard guards with spears and earn more power. Defeating these labyrinth guards will also increase your life bar slightly each time one is defeated.

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