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There are 4 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
Over 100 Lifestock
The following trick will allow Nigel to obtain over 100 Lifestock. This also makes him much stronger and will make it possible for him to kill King Nole and the dragon very quickly. Go through the entire game up until the Kazalt Mountain with collecting the bare minimum of Lifestock. You must leave the chests which contain Lifestock until noted. Buy only a few Lifestock so that when you are at the Kazalt Mountain you should have approximately 40 Lifestock and 3000 gold. Go to the shop which sells Lifestock and buy one. Exit the shop and come back in. The lifestock will reappear. Go to a location where you are able to get money quickly, but still do not the lifestock that is left behind. Buy lifestock until the total reaches 99. After this point, you will find that the lifestock will not reappear at the shop. Now return and collect all the lifestock you passed by earlier in the game. The chests will still be there and you can get over 100 lifestock. Now Nigel is more stronger and when you die, the Eke Eke will restore about 50+. King Nole will not be a problem -- all you need is the Gaia Sword and he will die in about five shots. The dragon can be defeating with about four shots. Even the endurance enemies can be defeated in about three shots,

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