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Unlock Trophies
It's Stuck (Bronze) - Prepare a dry landing.
Under Ground (Bronze) - Vertical passageway.
Urban Exploration (Bronze) - Involves heavy lifting.
Wrong Way (Bronze) - That's not right.
Alone in the Dark (Bronze) - Beneath the arthropod.
Guided by Sparks (Bronze) - The crate is key.
Altitude is Attitude (Bronze) - Exploration off the ground.
Backtracking (Bronze) - Ride the crates.
Climbing the Cog (Bronze) - Don't pull the lever just because you can.
No Point in Dying (Silver) - Complete the game in one sitting with five or less deaths.
Where Credit is Due (Silver) - Perseverance has its own reward.
Going Up (Silver) - Don't let gravity keep you down.
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