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There are no cheats for this game available for download...
Unlock Trophies
Preparing for the Future (Bronze) - Repair all broken entrances before unlocking the gate.
Scorpion King (Bronze) - Kill 50 Scorpions.
Plumber Stomachache (Bronze) - Destroy 50 exploding mushrooms.
1-Up (Bronze) - Kill 1 enemy using an exploding mushroom.
Pack Hunting (Bronze) - Kill 3 Raptors with one grenade.
Who Needs a Bug Zapper? (Bronze) - Kill 50 Pterosaurs in Rise Above.
Welcome to the Jungle (Bronze) - Kill 50 Deinonychus.
Crispy Critters (Bronze) - Kill 5 Scorpions with the RPG.
Blast in the Past (Bronze) - Kill 20 Dinosaurs with grenades.
Death from Below (Bronze) - Kill 1 Pterosaur with a grenade.
Woah (Bronze) - Kill 1 dinosaur during an Adrenaline Burst.
Chicken Chaser (Bronze) - Kill 50 Velociraptors.
Raptor Extinction (Silver) - Kill 100 Deinonychus.
Six Foot Turkey (Silver) - Kill a Utahraptor.
Outta Nails (Silver) - Complete any fortification objective without repairing.
Not so Fast (Silver) - Kill 3 Raptors during a single Adrenaline Burst.
Firepower (Silver) - Kill 50 dinosaurs using stationary weapons.
Dinomite! (Silver) - Kill 50 Raptors with a single shot each.
Adrenaline Junkie (Silver) - Kill 25 dinosaurs during Adrenaline Bursts.
Gunman (Silver) - Kill a dinosaur using each weapon.
Handyman (Silver) - Complete any fortification objective without the dinosaurs getting in.
What a Prick (Gold) - Survive a Spinosaurus attack.
Life Finds a Way (Gold) - Complete the game.
Nuck Chorris Rex (Gold) - Complete the game without dying.
I'm the King (Gold) - Kill a Tyrannosaurus.
These are not the Hammer (Gold) - Kill 20 dinosaurs using melee attacks.
Hard as Nails (Gold) - Complete the game on the Hard difficulty.
Platinum Trophy (Platinum) - Get all trophies.

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