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There are 4 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
CIA Database Computer Codes
Press [Aim] and [Shoot] buttons repeatedly about five times while on the Main Menu, and you'll break free of your interrogation chair. When you get up, walk around behind you to a computer and use the following codes on it:

HELP - Displays a list of system commands in the terminal and Pentagon user e-mail access.
DOA - Activate Dead Ops Arcade.
3ARC INTEL - Unlock all Intel in the game for viewing.
3ARC UNLOCK - Unlock Dead Ops Arcade and Presidential Zombie Mode.
ZORK - Unlock Zork I: The Great Underground Adventure (a text adventure game from 1980) for play in Black Ops.
DIR - Get a list of audio files and pictures which you can open with the CAT command (e.g. CAT NoteX.txt).
WHO - Get a list of login names for use with the RLOGIN function (but they require a password).
CAT - List all of your audio files and pictures.
LOGIN - Attempt a new session with a corresponding username and password (see the list below).
RLOGIN dreamland - Remote login to Dreamland server using username/passwords (see the list below).
MAIL - Open the mail folder for the current user.
PRINT - Print or show the contents of a file.
FOOBAR - Show the following text on the terminal: "Fee Fie Foe Foo!".
ENCODE - Encode a string using the CIA's cypher.
DECODE - Decode a string using the CIA's cypher.
DIR - Display the contents of the current directory.
LS - Display the contents of the current directory.
ALICIA - Start Alicia, a virtual therapist.

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