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There are no cheats for this game available for download...
Cheat Mode
Enter the following codes at the "Cheats" menu to activate the corresponding function:

UINUWU3FSFJ5QYRF8WQX - Club 505 games.
Y9E38NHL3819Z1KLKR7B - Club naturalmotion.

Unlock Trophies
Paydirt (Bronze) - Score a Touchdown in a single player Exhibition or League game.
A Spin Around the Block (Bronze) - Spin around an opposing player in a single player Exhibition or League game.
In the Bag (Bronze) - Win a single player Exhibition or League game.
Quarter Pounder (Bronze) - Sack the Quarterback in a single player Exhibition or League game, without player switching.
Stealing the Feeling (Bronze) - Intercept the ball in a single player Exhibition or League game, without player switching.
The Last Gasp (Bronze) - Convert a 4th down in single player Exhibition or League game.
Swaggerlicious (Bronze) - Showboat 25 yards towards your opponent's endzone in a single player Exhibition or League game.
Hustle and Muscle (Bronze) - Perform a x5 combo in a single player Tackle Alley game.
Invincible (Bronze) - Perform a x5 streak in a single player Tackle Alley game.
First of Many (Bronze) - Pick up a 1st Down in a single palyer Exhibition or League game.
Armed and Dangerous (Bronze) - Stiff arm an opposing player in a single player Exhibition or League game.
From the Hurt, to the Dirt (Bronze) - Tackle the ball carrier in a single player Exhibition or League game, without player switching.
Create and Dominate (Bronze) - Take a custom team online.
Something from Nothing (Silver) - Create a Custom Team.
Good Eye, Strong Arm, Safe Hands (Silver) - Throw 10 complete passes in a single player Exhibition or League game.
Boys to Men (Silver) - Successfully complete all of the drills in Training Camp.
Quarter Pounder, with Cheese (Silver) - Sack the Quarterback 3 times in a single player Exhibition
Big Fish, Small Pond (Silver) - Win the 8 team league in Season mode
On the Up (Silver) - Win the 16 team league in Season mode.
Half Wave There (Silver) - Reach Wave 50 in a single player Tackle Alley game.
Head to Head (Silver) - Win an online Exhibition game.
To the Hizzy (Silver) - Score a defensive touchdown in a single player Exhibition or League game, without player switching.
Moving the Chains (Silver) - Pick up 500 offensive yards in a single player Exhibition or League game.
Shut Out (Silver) - Win a single player Exhibition or League game without your opponent scoring.
End of the Road (Gold) - Complete Road to Backbreaker.
Flawless (Gold) - Complete a season undefeated in Season Mode.
Online, On Form (Gold) - Win 20 online Exhibition games.
Parting Wave (Gold) - Complete the final wave in a single player Tackle Alley game.
Season Finale (Gold) - Win the 32 team league Season mode.
Platinum Trophy (Platinum) - Win all Bronze, Silver, and Gold Trophies.
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