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There is 1 cheat for this game available for download... download page!
Skip intermission sequences
Hold [Triangle] during an intermission sequence.

Guitar mini-game
Go to the screen where you choose your song. Press various controller buttons to get little icons on the screen that make the song do different things.
"Hide" icon
Press "Red", "Blue", "Green", "Blue", "Red", "Green" for hidden mode. When the bars get to the middle/top area, they disappear making it very hard to hit them correctly. Alternately, press [L2], [Right], [L1], [Right], [L2], [L1] on a standard controller.

"FF" icon
Press "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Pick"(2) for fast forward mode. This makes the bars scroll faster. Alternately, press [L2], [L1], [Right], [Circle]x2 on a standard controller.

"SFF" icon
Press "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Pick"(2), "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Pick"(2). The bars will scroll even faster. Alternately, press [L2], [L1], [Right], [Circle]x2, [L2], [L1], [Right], [Circle]x2 on a standard controller.

"Random" icon
Press "Blue", "Green"(2), "Red", "Green", "Pick" for random mode. Some notes will be randomized. Alternately, press [Right], [L1], [L1], [L2], [L1], [Circle] on a standard controller.

"SUD" icon
Press "Green", "Red", "Blue", "Green", "Blue", "Red", "Pick" at the mode selection screen. Notes will appear closer to the play line. Alternately, press [L1], [L2], [Right], [L1], [Right], [L2], [Circle] on a standard controller.

"Little" icon
Press "Red"(3), "Green"(2), "Blue"(3), "Pick" at the mode selection screen. This mode only allows two chords. Alternately, press [L2]x3, [L1]x2, [Right]x3 on a standard controller.

"E" icon
Press "Red", "Blue", "Pick", "Green", "Red", "Blue", "Pick", "Green" at the mode selection screen. This makes the songs very hard. Alternately, press [L2], [Right], [Circle], [L1], [L2], [Right], [Circle], [L1] on a standard controller.

Clear all icons
Press "Pick"(10) at the mode selection screen.
Bar mini-game
Any time after you acquire Claire in your party, go to the bar where you first met her. Talk to the women in black and red behind the counter. You will then be given the option to have a drinking contest with Claire for $100. If you win, the women will give you a piece of map. She gives you up to six pieces of the map, then she begins to give you Phoenix Potions. The game controls are simple. The objective is to have your drinking bar lower than Claire's.

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