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Completion bonus
Successfully complete the game to unlock the parody mode. Parody mode replaces the original text with joke dialogue. Note: This is only available in the Japanese version.

Defeating Cubia
At one point, you will get an email from Aura that is as always garbled, but she will mention Cubia in it and Kite will mention the name. immediately stock up on magic scrolls , spells, and magic armors . You will be forced to take Mistral along for this, but this is a good thing. Your other character should be a powerhouse such as Blackrose, Gardenia, or Piros. When you reach the bottom of the dungeon, you will be attacked by Cubia. The actual boss here will be Cubia Core, which will spawn other variations of Cores such as Repth Core. This should be your first priority. The Repth Core holds 1,000 HP. This must be killed first or it will heal Cubia for 400 Hp at a time. After you kill it, ignore the others and order your companions to use magic on the Cubia Core (which holds 5,000 HP). After about 1000 damage it will launch a powerful attack. You should immediately heal yourself, then order your companions to attack the Repth Core again with physical attacks this time. Then once again, attack Cubia Core . You will need to repeat this multiple times. Remember to alternate between physical and magical attacks after he launches a powerful attack.

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