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There is 1 cheat for this game available for download... download page!
Arcade mode
Press [Triangle]x2, [Right], [Circle] at the main menu (with the battle mode, vs. mode, etc. options). A new menu will appear. Go to original mode with two players. have player one pick his fighters and player fights pick the same team with opposite characters. For example, if player one selects Ryu, then Ken, have player two select Ken, then Ryu. To switch players during combat, press [L1] and [R1] (with the default controller configuration).

Alternately, quickly press [Circle]x2, [Right], [Triangle], [L1] at the main menu to enable the EX Option. Use that option to set "Original Mode". Then, choose versus mode and have player one select both of his or her characters. Player two should then select the same two characters in the opposite order that player one used. Begin game play and press [HP] to switch teammates. The EX Option menu may also be used to keep the power meter full. Note: For the Japanese version of the game, quickly press [Square]x2, [Right], [X], [L1] at the main menu to activate the code.

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