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There are 3 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
Debug mode
Press [Start] to pause game play. Hold [L1] + [R2] and press [Up], [Triangle], [Down], [X], [Left], [Square], [Right], [Circle]. Release [L1] + [R2] and slowly press [L1], [R1], [L2], [R2]. Wait a moment, then press [Start] followed by [L2] + [R2]. A debug menu that allows invincibility, bonus weapons, enemy summoning, enemy AI toggles, FMV sequence skip, and other effects will appear.
Frame by frame
Enable any debug option, pause game play, and tap [Select] to move through the game frame by frame.

Two player mode
To set the game in two player mode, use the "Enemy" option to select any opponent. Select the "Pad-2" option to enable a second player. Keep moving away from the newly created player until a question mark appears near the health bar. Run back towards the newly created player. Both controllers may now be used to play the game in two player mode. Note: If either player leaves the screen, the second player will be canceled.
Never die
Enable debug mode, select the leaf, then select "Full". Kill yourself and you will not die.
Note: A controller with an auto-fire feature is requires for this trick. Enable the "Debug mode" code at the beginning of the game. Press "Item Charge", press [Right], and select "Hensin". Set [Triangle] to auto-fire, press the Hensin item, then go in the river. Go to the entrance to the river and wait for the item to wear out, then press [Circle].
Restore health
Press [Start] to pause game play, then press [Left]x2, [Down]x2, [Square]x2, [Triangle], [Square]. The sound of a shout will confirm correct code entry. For the Japanese version, press [Start] to pause game play and press [Up]x2, [Down]x2, [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [Square], [Triangle]. For the European/Australian PAL version press [Start] to pause game play, then press [Square]x2, [Triangle]x2, [Right]x2, [Up], [Left].

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