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There is 1 cheat for this game available for download... download page!
Fast money
Obtain 7500 credits and go to Nelson via Owmi. At Nelson, you can purchase gold ingots at 500 credits as opposed to 1000 credits at Koorong. Buy the minimum 15 gold ingots and travel back to Koorong. Take your gold to the Currency Exchange and sell enough so the gold's value drops to 520 credits. Return to Nelson and purchase as much gold as possible. You should end up with more gold than you had before. Return to Koorong and increase the number of ingots you are selling to include all of them. However, do not press [Circle]! Instead, decrease the number of ingots you are selling to zero. You should now notice that the price of gold has now risen. Sell off your gold ingots until the prices reaches 520 credits again, then purchase more gold Ingots from Nelson. Repeat this process several times to accumulate money. Note: You cannot acquire more than 50,000 in credits at one time using this trick. Trying to do so will result in losing all of your gold ingots and credits.

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