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There are 3 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
Level select
Select the "Load Game" option then enter one of the following passwords.

France victoryUVAF
Low Country victoryDDIN
Norway victoryJJNQ
Operation Barbossa victoryMOQX
Poland victoryIIKL
Sea Lion (40)UWXF
Warsaw victoryTTWY

Make weak units useful
As you press forward, you will capture cities and towns. Your units will also become weaker as they take damage. When a particular unit's strength is at 1, 2, or 3 (the number below the unit icon on the battle "map"), place the unit in a city you captured. Since the city has to be unoccupied for the enemy to reclaim it, your weaker units will become more useful, especially if the weaker unit is a tank force. However, make sure that you rebuild some units, as having all your weak units guarding a city is pointless; you should have no more than three or four in the city, so the stronger units can come back from the front lines to defend the captured city.

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