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Easy campaign win
Start a campaign, then get into a duel with the CPU. Press [Start] + [Select] to display the quit menu. Press [Triangle] to quit and return to the main menu. The screen should have crashed. Load the all lands deck for the PlayStation and then fight in the versus mode. After winning, the game returns to the campaign screen and you should have won that land.

To win a territory at all costs; enter the fight and hold [Start] + [Select] + [Triangle] to reset. The game will return to the main menu. From there, go into duel, switch the CPU to player 2, and enter the match. Once the match starts, press [Select] + [Start] + [Square] on controller two. The game will display the map screen, and you will have won the match. Note: Never try to change your opponent character or the game will freeze and you will lose all saved data.

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