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There are 2 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
Cheat mode
Select "Build" at the main menu. Select "New Racer" at the "Build Driver" screen. Then, enter one of the following names at the "Make License" screen. After selecting the last letter of the name, press [Down] instead of pressing a button in order to leave the cursor under that letter. After entering the code, go directly to the "Build Car" screen and create any kind of car. The code will remain active as long as the driver with that name is in your line-up of available racers. Note: The cheats are only available in test drive mode and are not available when playing a circuit.
No chassis or bricks
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "NCHSSS" as a driver name.

No wheels
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "NWHLS" as a driver name.

No driver
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "NDRVR" as a driver name.

Turbo mode
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "FSTFRWRD" as a driver name.

Maintain speed off track
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "NSLWJ" as a driver name to maintain speed when off the track.

Rocket car
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "FLYSKYHGH" as a driver name.

Reversed Rocket Racer Run track
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "LNFRRRM" as a driver name.

Shooter attacking power-ups only
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "PGLLRD" as a driver name to maintain speed when off the track.

Mine power-ups only
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "PGLLYLL" as a driver name.

Turbo power-ups only
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "PGLLGRN" as a driver name.

Grapple power-ups only
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "RPCRNLY" as a driver name.

Power-ups always at maximum
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "MXPMX" as a driver name.

Disable all cheats
Create a new driver or edit an existing driver in build mode. Select the "Make A License" option and enter "NMRCHTS" as a driver name.
Turbo start
Hold [X] before each track appears. When the countdown starts, tap [X] along with the countdown, and hold X at the end. If done correctly, your car will start with a turbo boost.

Basil The Bat Lord car parts
Go to the circuit races and win all of them until reaching Johnny Thunder's circuit. Win first place and the short FMV sequence showing that you won will play. After that ends, go to build. Select "New Racer" or "Edit Racer". Select Johnny Thunder's chassis, then go to "Quick Build". Keep pressing that option until you get to the car with the "fire" in the back facing forward. Finally, go to "Build" and press [L2] or [R2] until you get to Basil The Bat Lord's car parts. You will not get Basil's character parts or chassis, only the car parts. Note: This trick only works for J.T.'s chassis.

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