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There is 1 cheat for this game available for download... download page!
Easy money
Note: This trick requires two memory cards and a file which has some type of animal (preferably cows or sheep). Copy the file to memory card two, then play the game on either file. Go to your diary and choose to exchange animals. Have an animal come in from the other memory card. When this is done, sell the animal repeat as many times as needed.

At the start of the game, go to the Super Market and buy the most Potato Seeds. For each Potato, you will get about 100 to 300 G. For the first Spring, only get Potatoes and Grass.

Every day in Fall, there is a truffle by the lake with the island in it. Go to the stump. Go up and you will see an odd looking plant, Pick it up and take it to your bin. Do this everyday through the Fall and you will have a lot of money at the end (about 30,000 G if you do not spend anything). In the Spring, go to the horse race. Bet on the horse with the lowest odds and win medals. If two have the same odds, bet the same for both. When you win a lot of medals, buy the Truffles until you run out of medals.

Go to the mine almost every day. When you enter, dig with the hoe. First, start out by collecting Silver Ore. When you go deeper, get Gold Ore and the blue things. If you run out of room in your rucksack, throw away the Silver Ore and replace it with Gold Ore or the blue things. Then, start to throw away the Gold Ore and replace it with the blue things. Do this until your rucksack is full and you have one of the blue things in your hand. Then, go to the bin back at your farm and put it all inside. Next, go to the hot springs and sit there until your character starts to fall asleep. Next, go back into the mine and repeat the process. Note: If you uncover a hole, before going inside, dig in the area around it. There should be some good items there. If you automatically put something in the rucksack, do not worry; it is extra money. If your character passes out, you will still have anything that you put in the rucksack. If your character passes out while holding something, after it shows the scene where you eat breakfast, the item will appear in your hand.

Bring your chicken eggs to the Hot Springs. Throw them in one at a time and you will get boiled eggs eggs. They sell for 80G, instead of the 50G price for a normal egg. Also, spa-boiled eggs are great gifts for most and are disliked by none.

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