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There are 2 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
Cheat Mode
Press [Ctrl]-[Alt]-[C] to bring up the cheat window and use these codes:

delian Treasury - Add 1000 Coins
ambrosia - Win Scenario
atlastthegreat - Atlas Will Help Build Your Project Faster
fireballs from Heaven - Strike a piece of Ground with fireball
hotlava - Strike a piece of ground with fireball
bowvine and Arrows - Towers Shoot Cows Instead of Arrows
cheese Puff - Dairy Workers Put on Cheese Suits
mammaldrome - Granary is Filled Every 3 Months
seasick - Poseidon will grant you 10x the fish in your granary
soundFrags - Animals Make Strange Noises when Killed
bigbadwolf - Wolves are bigger
elite sheep - ?
rain from heaven - ?

A small easter egg
On the Poseidon disk, go to the Audio/Music directory. There you will find the music from the game, and more importantly, a song named "Ekplixi.mp3". It is not from the game, but it is a silly song featuring many quotes from the walkers in the game.

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