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There are 3 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
Achievements (Steam)
A Few Good Men - Train five marines to five stars.
Pirate Fever - Force a pilot to eject a crate worth over 10,000 Credits.
Filthy Rich - Get 100 million Credits in your account.
Fly Swatter - Stun seven space flies at once.
It Was About Time! - Get more than two billion Credits in your account.
It's Cold Outside - Force a pilot to eject from his ship.
Liberator - Claim ten ships.
Major Miner - Mine ten units of Nividium.
Traveller - Visit all sectors. Unfocused jumps don't count.
Turn Up the Heat - Destroy 20 ships with the Plasma Burst Generator.
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. - Achieve the highest reputation with the main races.
Reboot - Board and take over a Xenon Q.
Solar Shock Wave - Destroy a Solar Power Plant.
Survivor - Finish the Albion campaign in Dead-is-Dead mode.
X-Treme Fighter - Achieve fight rank X-TREME.
X-Treme Trader - Achieve trade rank X-TREME.
Crash Course - Pass the Flight School.
Defender of the Universe - Destroy 1,000 Xenon ships.
Do a Barrel Roll - Turn the universe upside down.
A Proud Moment - Build a factory.
Albion Pride - Help shape the future of the Albion system.
Captain of Industry - Achieve trade rank Wholesaler.
Combat Pro - Achieve fight rank Professional.
Making a Difference - Complete 10 war missions.
Maze - Build a complex with five factories.
On the Beat - Earn 100,000 Credits with a police license.
Operation Blackbeard - Board and take over ten capital ships.
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