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Cityscape cheat mode (beta version)
Hold [Alt] and type "ufo cheat" at the main interface. The message bar will confirm that cheat mode has been enabled. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Cancel cheat mode[Alt] + [Esc]
One more of all equipment[Alt] + [Keypad Plus]
Flip dimension[Alt] + 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Toggle auto-save[Alt] + A
Force Base mission[Alt] + B
Force UFOs to crash[Alt] + C
Toggle dimension map[Alt] + D
Toggle build base facilities[Alt] + F
Test alien dimension[Alt] + G
$100,000[Alt] + M
Show number of aliens in buildings[Alt] + N
Toggle instant project finish[Alt] + P
Toggle allow all manufacture[Alt] + Q
Toggle allow all research[Alt] + R
Force Overspawn[Alt] + S
Force apocalypse (terror) mission[Alt] + T
Toggle view all UFOpaedia[Alt] + V
One of each vehicle[Alt] + X
Show people tube connections[Alt] + Z

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