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There are 24 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
Cheat Mode
Press [Enter] to display the two player message box, type one of the following codes, then press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function. The message "Cheat enabled" will appear to confirm correct code entry.

iseedeadpeople - Remove fog of war
allyourbasearebelongtous - Instant victory
somebodysetupusthebomb - Instant defeat
thereisnospoon - Unlimited mana
whosyourdaddy - God mode
strengthandhonor - Disable defeat conditions
itvexesme - Disable victory conditions
greedisgood - Receive 500 gold and lumber
greedisgood # - Receive # gold and lumber
keysersoze - Receive 500 gold
keysersoze # - Receive # gold
leafittome - Receive 500 lumber
leafittome # - Receive # lumber
pointbreak - Removes food limit
warpten - Speeds construction of buildings and units
iocainepowder - Fast death/decay
whoisjohngalt - Fast research
sharpandshiny - Research upgrades
synergy - Disable tech tree requirements
riseandshine - Set time to dawn
lightsout - Set time to dusk
daylightsavings <hour> - Set time of the day
daylightsavings - Toggle daylight progression
motherland <race> <level> - Level select
thedudeabides - Cool down

NOTE: To disable most of the cheat codes simply enter the code again. Cheat codes only work in single-player missions and custom maps.

Starcraft Units
Finish the Night Elf last campaign in Hard mode to see a 20 seconds of Starcraft units in action based on Warcraft 3 engine. (NOTE: This is NOT a scene from Starcraft 2, it is just an example of what Starcraft units would look like on WC3's engine. Nothing more.)

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