There is 1 cheat for this game available for download... ![]() |
Cheat Mode Start the game with the -console parameter. ie: C:\Vampire\vampire.exe -console or "C:\Program Files\Vampire The Masquerade - Redemption" -console In single player mode, press [~] to bring up the console. Type in any of the codes listed below (NOTE: Some codes can be applied to anyone in your party, simply click on their image before bringing up the console to enter the code): god 0/1 1=God Mode on, 0=God Mode off cash # Change cash to # dropcash # Drops cash amount # xp # Add # to XP freecasting Cast disciplines without using blood ai Turns off AI for enemy and your party addalldisciplines # Increases all disciplines to # revive Full health (Can be done after death) vault Open personal vault from anywhere in-game freeammo No need for ammo stakme Stake self killme True death (Revive cannot bring back) totals List scene info (XP, Gold, etc) addthing # Spawn item # (ie: Vitae, Dagger, etc) advancement Brings up advancement window framerate 0/1 1 = Show, 0=Off poisonme Poison self diseaseme Disease self damage me Damage self whereis Location stats frenzyme Put Christof into frenzy maxfps # Set maximum FPS to # shapeshift # Shapeshift into # (ie: bat) shapeshift Shapeshift back to normal freeze Freezes body, but can still move around level pause Pauses action resume Resumes action emit # Emit # from character's feet (ie: fire, gas) jump Jump to level/waypoint (See below) Other Codes You may also try these codes: aitrace, particles, heads, loadpath, savepath, say, statustest, changescene, advance, changechronicle, getcls, combatmessages, scaleme, embraceme, *aura, camtest, setsoak, getchronflag, setchronflag, clearchronflag, netstat, read, shell, roomtype, autoswitchtest, enemycount, throwgib, setdetect, sethide, hands, stcmd, team, maxopenedlocs, noitemstatchecks, endgame, pack. Jump to Level or Waypoint Use the "Jump" code to instantly jump to areas within the game. Place a # after the level name to jump to waypoints on that level. ie: "Jump Monastery2" and "Jump Monastery2 1". WARNING: This will update your auto-save if you change to a different level. Also, by jumping to a different place in the game, it will not set off in-game switches that progress you further in the story-line. Be very careful with this cheat as it may cause you to restart the entire game. This cheat is best used for re-visiting areas in the game once you have completed it fully. Area Listing: Convent ConventDay OldTownDay SmithyDay Inn4StagsDay JudithBridgeDay University StThomas GoldenLaneDay UnornaDay EastGate EastGateNight OldTown Smithy Inn4Stags JudithBridge Unorna Haven PetrinHill PetrinHillDay AnezkaRoom NQuarter PragueCastle PrinceBrandl GoldenLane DummyNorthQuarter DummyNorthGate DummyNorthQuarterGate SilverMines SilverMines2 SilverMines3 SilverMinesNight Monastery Monastery2 Monastery3 ArdanChantry ArdanChantry2 ArdanChantry3 ArdanChantry4 JosefTunnels JosefTunnels2 JosefTunnels3 VysMountain |
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