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There are 9 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
Phone Number Codes
#1 - Full Health
#2 - Car Mass Increased
#3 - Milk Bones
#4 - Add Police Notoriety
#5 - Player Pratfalls
#6 - Unlimited Sprint
#7 - Super Explosions
#8 - Super Saints
#9 - Unlimited Clip
#11 - Unlimited Ammo
#12 - Heaven Bound
#15 - Drunk Pedestrians
#16 - Evil Cars
#18 - Low Gravity
#19 - Pedestrian Wars
#20 - Raining Pedestrians
#35 - Add Gang Notoriety
#36 - Never Die
#50 - No Cop Notoriety
#51 - No Gang Notoriety
#201 - Itty Bitty
#921 - .44 Cal
#920 - 12 Gauge
#947 - Annihilator RPG
#922 - AR-200
#923 - AR-50
#924 - AR-50 with Grenade launcher
#925 - AS14 Hammer
#926 - Baseball Bat
#927 - Chainsaw
#955 - Crowbar
#202 - Everybody is Shrunk
#928 - Fire Extinguisher
#929 - Flame Thrower
#930 - Flashbang
#931 - GAL 43
#932 - GDHC
#711 - Get Horizon
#712 - Get Snipes 57
#713 - Get Tornado
#714 - Get Wolverine
#200 - Giant
#933 - Grenade
#935 - KC
#936 - Knife
#934 - Kobra
#666 - Lighting Strikes
#937 - Machete
#938 - McManus 2010
#939 - Mini-Gun
#940 - Moltov
#941 - Nightstick
#942 - NR4
#943 - Pepper Spray
#969 - Pimp Slap
#944 - Pimpcane
#945 - Pipe Bomb
#946 - RPG
#948 - Samurai Sword
#949 - Satchel Charge
#950 - Shock Paddles
#951 - SKR-9
#952 - Sledge Hammer
#953 - Stun Gun
#954 - TK3
#956 - Tombstone
#957 - Vice 9
#958 - XS-2 Ultimax
#728237 - Unlock D-STROY UFO
#7266837 - Unlock Peewee Mini Bike
#cashmoneyz - $1000
#sunny - Clear Sky

Game Unlockables
-15% explosion damage reduced - Level 6, Trail Blazing (Downtown).
15% Food and Liquor Store Discount - Beat 'Red Light Septic Avenger Level 6.
5% Food and Liquor Store Discount - Beat 'Red Light Septic Avenger Level 3.
75% Mechanic Discount - Complete all 5 Chop Shop lists.
Akuji's Prototype Bike - Ronin Mission 11.
Ambulance - All Ambulance Levels.
AR-50 XMAC Special - All Combat Tricks Completed.
Avenger Jacket - 3 Gold Stars in Gang Kills.
Bandit - Do multiple car stunts to unlock.
Bodyguards and Ninjas - Game Progression.
Brotherhood Gang Cars - Complete Last Mission for the Brotherhood.
Brotherhood Melee - Complete Brotherhood Mission 6.
Buggy - Complete Truckyard Chop Shop list.
Chainsaw in Weapon Cache - Complete Crowd Control (Marina) level 6.
Clothing Store Discount - Crowd Control level 3 (Suburbs).
Crib Customization Discount - Mayhem level 3 (Red Light).
Demo Derby Vehicles - Complete Demo Derby Level 6.
Donnie's Vehicle - Complete Brotherhood mission 2.
Explosion Damage -5% - Level 3, Trail Blazing (Downtown).
Fire Fighter Suit - Complete both set of Trailblazing activities.
Gang Customization Cars - 45% hoods conquered.
Gang Customization Cars - 15% hoods conquered.
Hand Grenades - 1 Hitman list complete.
Health Regeneration 2x - Snatch level 3 (Chinatown).
Health Regeneration 3x - Snatch level 6 (Chinatown).
Improved Weapon Accuracy 15% - Finish Septic Avenger Level 6, Suburbs..
Increased Melee Damage 15% - Arena Fight Club Level 3.
Increased Melee Damage 30% - Arena Fight Club Level 3.
Infinite Respect - Do activities to raise your respect past level 99. you will then have Infinite respect..
Infinite Shotgun Ammo - Complete Drug Trafficking level 6 (Airport).
Infinite SMG Ammo - Successfully complete "Snatch" Level 6 Downtown.
Jane Valderama - Mug 40 citizens.
Johnny Gat - Complete final Ronin mission.
Kobra (Pistol) - Fuzz level 3 (Projects).
Kobra(Pistol) - Complete Fuzz Level 3(Projects).
Legal Lee - Beat 'Stilwater Prison Fight Club Level 3.
Mechanic Discount - Complete Demo Derby Level 3.
No damage from falling - Get a bull's eye in the base jumping diversion.
One Follower - Complete Prologue Mission 4.
Paintball Mask - Mugged 30 People.
Pepper Spray in Weapon Cache - Complete Crowd Control (Marina) level 3.
Pierce - Complete Ronin Storyline.
Pimp Suit - Complete Ho-ing Diversion.
Pimpcane - Pyramid Scheme.
Police Notoriety Reduced - Complete FUZZ Level 3, Suburbs.
Police Notoriety Reduced 2 - Complete FUZZ Level 6, Suburbs.
Pumped Up - Fight Club level 3 (Arena).
Pumped Up - Fight Club level 6 (Arena).
Red Light Apartment Crib - Complete Prologue Mission 2.
Reduced bullet damage - Heli assault level 3 (Bario).
Reduced Vehicle Damage - Insurance Fraud Level 3, Museum.
Ronin Gang Cars - Complete Last Mission for the Ronin.
Ronin Melee - Complete Ronin Mission 6.
Ronin Notoriety Reduced - Drug Traffickingf Level 3 (Hotel and Marina).
Ronin Notority Reduced 2 - Beat 'Hotels & Marina Drug Trafficking Level 6.
Saints Hideout - Complete Prologue Mission 3.
Satchel Charges - 3 Hitman lists complete.
Septic Truck - Beat both of the Septic Avengers.
Shaundi - Complete Sons of Samedi Storyline.
Shock Paddles (Melee Weapon) - All Ambulance Levels.
Sons Of Samedi Gang Cars - Complete Last Mission for Sons Of Samedi.
Sons Of Samedi Melee - Complete Mission "Bad Trip".
Sons of Samedi Notoriety Reduced - Complete Escort Level 3, University.
Sprint Increased - Insurance Fraud level 3 (Factories).
Sprint Increased (Unlimited) - Insurance Fraud level 6 (Factories).
Super Taxi - All Taxi Levels.
The News Helicopter - Complete Sons of Samedi Mission 3.
Three Followers - 50% hoods conquered.
Tobias - Complete Sons of Samedi Mission 3.
Traffic Cone Hat - 3 Gold Stars in Vehicle Surfing.
Troy - Beat 'Stilwater Prison Fight Club Level 6.
Two Followers - 25% hoods conquered.
Unlimited Pistol Ammo - Fuzz level 6 (Projects).
Unlimited Rifle Ammo - Complete all 5 Hitman lists.
Vehicle Delivery - Escort level 3 (Red Light).
Vehicle Delivery (Free) - Escort level 6 (Red Light).
X2 Ultimax (Shotgun) - Drug Trafficking level 3 (Airport).
Zombie Carlos - Call eye for an eye after you complete the brother hood story.
Zombie Mask - Complete Zombie Uprising.

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