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There are 5 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
Cheat Mode
To enter the ''command line'' press the [~] key at any time during gameplay. Enter the following into the lines and press Enter to enable cheats.

god - Enables God Mode (invincibility)
fly - Enables Fly Mode
kill - Instant death
give S# - Gain # shells
give H# - Gain # health
give N# - Gain # nails
give R# - Gain # rockets
give C# - Gain # cells
give # - Get weapon #
noclip - Walk through walls. Repeat to turn off.
notarget - Monsters won't attack you unless provoked.
impulse 9 - All Weapons.
impulse 11 - Display runes (you don't actually get them)
impulse 13 - Silver key.
impulse 14 - Gold key.
impulse 255 Quad Damage.
map ExMy - Warp to episode X, mission Y
skill # - Sets difficulty level (# = 0-3)
sv_gravity -# - Reduces gravity by #%.

Crypt of Decay mode
This is even harder than the hidden Nightmare skill. To reach it, follow the instructions for the Nightmare difficulty, but when you start down the hallway to the portal before you turn, there will be a wall decoration type thing. Shoot this with your shotgun, you will know if you did it because the wall will bleed and a message saying you have selected Crypt of Decay mode pops up. Then proceed down the hallway to the portal and choose your episode.

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