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There are 2 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
How to unlock stuff
Bingo cheat - Reach level 2 in your EA Sports Bio.
Ray Lewis - Reach level 3 in your EA Sports Bio.
1990 Eagles team - Reach level 4 in your EA Sports Bio.
Steve Spurrier coach - Reach level 6 in your EA Sports Bio.
Preist Holmes - Reach level 9 in your EA Sports Bio.
Super Bowl 38 card - Reach level 12 in your EA Sports Bio.
Super Bowl 38 stadium - Reach level 19 in your EA Sports Bio.
Tiburon Complex stadium - Reach level 29 in your EA Sports Bio.
Ricky Williams - Reach level 27 in your EA sports Bio.
1988 San Francisco 49ers - Reach level 35 in your EA Sports Bio.
Cheerleader and Pump Up Crowd Cards - Successfully complete the "Game Situation" challenges in mini-camp mode.
Madden Cards and game cheats - Get a gold rank in any event on the All Pro, Pro and Rookie levels in mini-camp mode.

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