Show all units and objects | [Alt] + E |
Teleport selected Merc to pointer location | [Alt] + T |
Kill all enemies in current sector | [Alt] + O |
Refresh action points of the select Merc | [Alt] + D |
Ammo refill | [Alt] + R |
Item scrolling1 | [Alt] + W |
Spawn enemy at pointer location | [Alt] + B |
Spawn Civilist at pointer location | [Alt] + C |
Spawn new Merc at pointer location | [Alt] + G |
Spawn Roboter at pointer location | [Alt] + Y |
Spawn enemy bug at pointer location | [Ctrl] + O |
Merc transforms into tank | [Alt] + [Keypad 1] |
Merc transforms into bug | [Alt] + [Keypad 2] |
Merc transformed into big bug | [Alt] + [Keypad 5] |
Merc placed in wheelchair | [Alt] + [Keypad 4] |
Spawn random weapon at pointer location | [Alt] + I |
Explode a gas grenade at pointer location | [Alt] + K |
Explode a hand grenade at pointer location | [Ctrl] + K |
View interior of all buildings | [Alt] + Q |
All Mercs in current sector arrested by Bad Queen | [Ctrl] + T |
Merc at pointer location loses health points | [Ctrl] + H |
Merc at pointer location gains health points | [Ctrl] + U |
Display frame rate | [Ctrl] + F |