There are 6 cheats for this game available for download... ![]() |
Cheat Mode Run the game's configuration utility and enable the cheat console option. Next, press [Ctrl] + [Tab] during game play to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function: ctrlaltdelete:hans() - Teleport selected party members to pointer. ctrlaltdelete:midas() - Get 500 gold pieces. ctrlaltdelete:addgold( ctrlaltdelete:explorearea() - Full map for current area. ctrlaltdelete:setcurrentxp(number) - Set experience of selected characters. ctrlaltdelete:setchapter(number) - Set current chapter (0-6; Prologue is chapter 0). ctrlaltdelete:movetoarea("AR#") - Load indicated area (view files in data directory of Disc 2 for names). ctrlaltdelete:createitem("item code",number) - Spawn indicated number of items (see the list below). ctrlaltdelete:addspell("spell name") - Selected character gains indicated spell. ctrlaltdelete:setglobal("variable name",type,value) - Set variable to a value (type is either LOCAL, GLOBAL or an area name AR#). ctrlaltdelete:setglobal("variable name",type) - Check the current status of a variable. ctrlaltdelete:firstaid() - Intended to give potions and scrolls, but does not work. ctrlaltdelete:jeffkattacks() - Intended to summon a monster to attack you, but does not work. ctrlaltdelete:jeffkdefends() - Intended to summon a monster to defend you, but does not work. ctrlaltdelete:enablecheatkeys() - Enable in-game cheat keys (see the list below). |
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