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There is 1 cheat for this game available for download... download page!
Enter the following password(s) in the password machine to receive cards for rent use. Note: You must already have the card in-game to use the password.

34541863 - A-Cell Breeding Device
64163367 - A-Cell Incubator
73262676 - A-Cell Scatter Burst
67048711 - 7
86198326 - 7 Completed
23771716 - 7 Colored Fish
24140059 - A Cat of Ill Omen
21597117 - A Hero Emerges
00295517 - A Legendary Ocean
49140998 - A Feather of the Phoenix
68170903 - A Feint Plan
05728014 - A Rival Appears!
28596933 - A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon
18318842 - Abyss Soldier
27744077 - Absolute End
49771608 - Absorbing Kid from the Sky
89801755 - Abyssal Designator
98444741 - Accumulated Fortune
41356845 - Acid Trap Hole
21323861 - Acid Rain
47372349 - Acrobat Monkey

Get DP!
Log in using Nintendo WiFi connection. Go to Leaderbord, select TOP/WORLD and select download. There should be a player listed at a top with the name 'Marry Christmas'. Download the ghost data, disconnect from WiFi, go to WORLD CHAPIONSHIP/FREE BATTLE and select GHOST. Fight the 'Merry Christmas' player and you'll get around 12,000 DP for each attempt to fight him (you win the game instantly - he only have 1 card).

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