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Cheat Mode
The following codes should be entered at the "VS" screen. Player 1 and Player 2 must put in the correct code respectively. The order is B-R-A (LP-BLK-LK):

P1: 6-4-2, P2: 4-6-8 - Enter UKK instantly
P1: 0-2-0, P2: 0-2-0 - Blocking Disabled
P1: 4-4-8, P2: 8-4-4 - Dark Kombat
P1: 4-6-6, P2: 4-6-6 - Infinite Run
P1: 0-0-4, P2: 7-0-0 - Unlock Kahn's Kave
P1: 6-0-0, P2: 0-4-0 - Unlock the Kombat Temple
P1: 1-2-3, P2: 9-0-1 - Unlock the Soul Chamber
P1: 3-3-0, P2: 0-3-3 - Unlock Jade's Deset
P1: 8-8-0, P2: 2-2-0 - Unlock Kahn's Tower
P1: 0-5-0, P2: 0-5-0 - Unlock Noob Saibot Dorfen
P1: 3-4-3, P2: 3-4-3 - Unlock Rooftops
P1: 9-3-3, P2: 9-3-3 - Unlock Scislac Busorez
P1: 8-8-0, P2: 0-8-8 - Unlock Subway
P1: 0-9-1, P2: 1-9-0 - Unlock the Belltower
P1: 0-7-7, P2: 0-2-2 - Unlock the Bridge
P1: 6-6-6, P2: 3-3-3 - Unlock the Graveyard
P1: 8-2-0, P2: 0-2-8 - Unlock the Pit 3
P1: 0-7-9, P2: 0-3-5 - Unlock the Street
P1: 0-0-2, P2: 0-0-3 - Unlock the Waterfront
P1: 6-6-6, P2: 4-4-4 - Unlock Scorpions Lair
P1: 0-3-3 - Player 1 Half Power *
P1: 7-0-7 - Player 1 Quarter Power *
P2: 0-3-3 - Player 2 Half Power *
P2: 7-0-7 - Player 2 Quarter Power *
P1: 9-8-7, P2: 1-2-3 - Power Bars Disabled (health bars vanish)
P1: 4-4-4, P2: 4-4-4 - Random Kombat
P1: 9-9-9, P2: 9-9-9 - Revision 1.2
P1: 3-0-0, P2: 3-0-0 - Silent Kombat
P1: 1-0-0, P2: 1-0-0 - Throwing Disabled
P1: 0-1-0, P2: 0-1-0 - Throwing Encouraged
P1: 0-4-4, P2: 4-4-0 - Unikoriv Referri: Sans Power (1HKO)
P1: 9-6-9, P2: 1-4-1 - Winner fights Motaro
P1: 7-6-9, P2: 3-4-2 - Winner fights Noob Saibot
P1: 0-3-3, P2: 5-6-4 - Winner fights Shao Kahn
P1: 2-0-5, P2: 2-0-5 - Winner fights Smoke

*) Player 2 doesn't have to enter anything.

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