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There are no cheats for this game available for download...
Cheat mode
Press [Right]x3, [B]x2, [A]x2 at the blue screen with the phrase "Midway Presents War Gods". This should be completed before the start and option selections appear at the title screen. The screen will flash and the phrase "Oh, too easy" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. A cheat menu selection will appear in the option menu with the following choices:
Game timer
Toggles the game timer

Easy fatalities
When enabled, pressing [A] + [B] + [C-Up] + [C-Right] will execute a fatality.

Player one skill
Adjusts the amount of damage player one can endure.

Player two skill
Adjusts the amount of damage player two can endure.

Level select
Choose a specific arena.
Note: To enable cheat mode in the Japanese version of the game, quickly press [Left]x3, [B]x2, [A]x2 at the title screen.

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