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There are 2 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
Alternate costumes
Press [C-Left], [C-Right], [C-Up], or [C-Down] at the character selection screen.

Highlight Mario and press [C-Right] and Mario will wear Wario's costume.

Highlight Luigi and press [C-Right] and Luigi will wear his costume from the original Super Mario Bros.

Highlight Mario and press [C-Left] and Mario will be wearing his costume from the original Mario Bros.

Highlight Mario and press [C-Right] and Mario will resemble Wario.

Highlight Link and press [C-Left] and Link will wear his original blue tunic from the first Zelda game.

Highlight Jigglypuff or Pikachu and press [C-Left], [C-Right], [C-Up], or [C-Down] to add a hat.

Highlight Captain Falcon and press [C-Right] to play as his enemy, Blood Falcon.

In free for all mode, you can change the colors of a character at the selection screen by pressing [C-Left], [C-Right], or [C-Down].
Fight as Captain Falcon
Complete the game in under twenty minutes under any difficulty setting. Then, defeat Captain Falcon.

Note: For the Japanese version, successfully complete the game as any character under any difficulty level and number of lives. Then, defeat Captain Falcon.

To unlock Captain Falcon easily, set the time to "Unlimited". You can then take as long as needed.

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