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There are 2 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
Play As Deadwing
Go into the playhouse and get to a room where you see a Cyclops playing pool. Kill it, then jump on the pool table. The "Cheat Active" message appear. Look in the inventory to find the "Book of Shadows". Open the book and "Book of Cheats" will appear at the top. Highlight the "Play as Deadwing" option and press [Right]. You will now play as Deadwing (or a very big harpie).

Nettie bleeds
Go up to Nettie. After she tells a story of your journey or fate, approach and shoot her. To see her bleed, press "Snipe" then look down at the bottom part of her clothing. You will se a sprinkle of blood coming out of her.

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