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There are 2 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
The Rock (Alcatraz) bonus track
Use the following steps to unlock the bonus track. First, complete an entire circuit and save the game. To save time in completing a circuit, enter the following password, start the race and drive very slowly to allow the timer to expire.

Note: A small number of cartridges use an alternate password scheme. If the previous password did not result in a completed circuit after one race, use the following password instead:

Return to the screen labeled "Start Game". Select the "One Race" option, and the "Just Play" sub-option. Press [A] to select a track. The car selection screen will appear. Hold [C-Left], then hold [Z]. Release both buttons and press [Left]. Return to the setup screen by pressing [B]x3, highlight "Setup", and press [A]. Then, hold [C-Up], then hold [Z] at the setup screen. Release both buttons and press [Up]. Return to the track selection screen by pressing [B], highlighting "One Race", and press [A]. Highlight "Just Play" and press [A]. At the track selection screen, hold [C-Right], then hold [Z]. Release both buttons and press [Right]. Press [A] to select the current track and display the car selection screen. Hold [C-Down] and hold [Z] at the car selection screen. Release both buttons and press [Down], [L], [R]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Press [B] to return to the track selection screen, then choose track 7.

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