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There are 2 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
Debug mode
Press [C-Up], [Up], [C-Left], [Right], [C-Down], [Down], [C-Right], [R], [A], [B] when "Press Start" appears at the opening screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Use controller two to select the debug options. Press [Start] to cycle through the options, such as "Cheats", "Level Select", and more.

When you enter the code on the title screen and hear the horse, the Cheats Menu will be available but will have no cheats active (unless you they were previously activated or earned). Once you start or load a game/level, text will appear in the upper/left hand corner of the screen. Use controller two to control the debug options. Pressing [Start] cycles through the various lists of options. Use the buttons noted below to change certain values. Note: Debug mode does not save on the memory pak like the other cheats.
[L] or [R]: FX down/up
[Left] or [Right]: FX down/up by 10
[B]: First person view
[A]: Third person view
[Z]: Play SFX

Level Warp
[L] or [R]: Level down/up
[B]: Skip level
[Z]: Advance to selected level

[L] or [R]: Song down/up
[A]: Play song
[B]: Stop song

Global Palette
[B] or [A]: Red down/up
[C-Left] or [C-Down]: Green down/up
[C-Up] or "C-Right:" Blue down/up

[Z]: All weapons
[L]: All items
[R]: All keys
[A]: Invincibility

AI Debug Values
[B] or [A]: GVAR 1 down/up
[C-Left] or [C-Down]: GVAR 2 down/up
[C-Up] or [C-Right]: GVAR 3 down/up

[B] or [A]: Red down/up
[C-Left] or [C-Down]: Green down/up
[C-Up] or [C-Right]: Blue down/up
[Left] or [Right]: NR down/up
[L] or [R]: FR down/up

Sky Top*
[B] or [A]: Red down/up
[C-Left] or [C-Down]: Green down/up
[C-Up] or [C-Right]: Blue down/up

Sky Bottom*
[B] or [A]: Red down/up
[C-Left] or [C-Down]: Green down/up
[C-Up] or [C-Right]: Blue down/up

Clouds 1*
[B] or [A]: Red down/up
[C-Left] or [C-Down]: Green down/up
[C-Up] or [C-Right]: Blue down/up
[L] or [R]: HT down/up
[Down] or [Up]: AN down/up
[Left] or [Right]: SP down/up

Clouds 2*
[B] or [A]: Red down/up
[C-Left] or [C-Down]: Green down/up
[C-Up] or [C-Right]: Blue down/up
[L] or [R]: HT down/up
[Down] or [Up]: AN down/up
[Left] or [Right]: SP down/up

[L] or [R]: DN Down/Up (changes player's character)

(Values cannot be changed)

[A]: AI 0/1 (set to 1 to stop enemies)
[L]: Difficulty 0/1/2
[R]: Auto aim 0/1

Alpha Palette
[B] or [A]: R0 down/up
[C-Left] or [C-Down]: G0 down/up
[C-Up] or [C-Right]: B0 down/up
[L] or [R]: R1 down/up
[Left] or [Right]: G1 down/up
[Down] or [Up]: B1 down/up

Weather Cheat works the same way but only has the options noted with an *
Multi-player debug mode
Enable the "Debug mode" code as usual, then start a two or three player multi-player match. You can use the unused controller to control the debug menu. The best use for this is to use the warp to play the regular game with multiple players. You can complete the game as normal or fight each other. When you die, you will just reappear because you are in a Dukematch.

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