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There is 1 cheat for this game available for download... download page!
Easy experience
Behind the Wizard's School in Talewok are some Wolves. Go and kill them. There are usually two Spirit Wolves who can cast spells and at least six to eight Dire Wolves. After defeating them, you will get 10,000 to 15,000 experience points. Go inside the Wizard's School, then walk out. Go to the back of the school and you will be able to fight the wolves again.

When going to the Jundar desert, you will meet the Jundar spirit. It will ask you a riddle. Answer the riddle incorrectly. You will then have to fight an Earth Elemental, an Air Elemental, a Fire Elemental and a Water Elemental. Use the spell Banishing Of Control Elemental to defeat them and gain at least 14,0000 to 15,000 experience points each time.

If you have good stats, go to the Erroman Caves. Go through the double doors that lead to the dragon's lair. They are a red color with metal on them. Head in the direction you would go to see the dragon. You will notice a side room to your left that has Minotaurs walking around. There are three battles in this room. The first battle gives you 26,400 experience points, the second gives you 34,000 experience points, and the third gives you 8,400 experience points.

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