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Cheat Mode
Enter the following codes at the Title screen:

samhines86 - Unlimited Invincibility.
rxh7nigh - Unlockable Characters.

1/2 Million Club - Score 500,000 points.
1/4 Million Club - Scored 250,000 points.
5K Runner - Run 5,000 meters.
10K Runner - Run 10,000 meters.
Adventurer - Scored 25,000 points.
Allergic to Gold - Run 1,000m without collecting any coins.
Lump Sum - Collected 500 coins.
Mega Bonus - Filled the bonus meter 4x.
High Roller - Scored 100,000 points.
Payday - Collected 750 coins.
Piggy Bank - Collected 250 coins.
Pocket Change - Collected 100 coins.
Miser Run - Run 500m without collecting any coins.
Money Bags - Collected 1,000 coins.
Novice Runner - Ran 500 meters.
Resurrection - Resurrect after dying.
Sprinter - Ran 1,000 meters.
Treasure Hunter - Scored 50,000 points.
Million Club - Score 1,000,000 points.
Athlete - Ran 2,500 meters.
Double Resurrection - Resurrect twice in one run.
Head Start - Use a Head Start.
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