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There are no cheats for this game available for download...
Demolition - Crash into 25 enemies in a Scavanger game.
Hoarder - Earn a score multiplier of x500 in a Scavanger game.
Intimidator - Earn a MAX POW 10 times in a Reaper game.
Famished - Earn a MAX POW multiplier of x15 in a Reaper game.
Genocide - Destroy 6 Hornets with a single Power Pod blast in a Reaper game.
Glutton - Eat 50 enemies in a Reaper game.
Max Power - Collect 100 Protons at MAX POW ina Scavanger game.
Millionaire - Score 1,000,000 points in a Scavenger game.
Millionaire - Score 1,000,000 points in a Reaper game.
Resurrection - Recover from a critical POW to a MAX POW in a Scavanger game.
Vegan - Eat zero enemies during 5 MAX POW cycles in a Reaper game.
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