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Unlock Awards
Accomplished - Complete 10 levels perfectly.
Apprentice - Complete the 2nd shelf.
Better than us - Beat our perfect number of moves.
Champion - Complete the 6th shelf.
Funeral Bill - Spiked 20 times.
Groundhog Day - Retry a level 20 times.
High Stamina - Play for 1 hour.
Hoarder - Collect 100 pearls.
Hunter - Collect 50 pearls.
Impeccable - Complete 40 levels perfectly.
Complete - Complete every level.
Defiant - Take over 10 minutes to complete a level.
Excellent - Complete the 3rd shelf.
Expert - Complete the 5th shelf.
Fearless - Spiked 10 times.
Flawless - Complete 20 levels perfectly.
Keep Going! - Play for 10 minutes.
Ouch! - Be spiked 3 times.
Pearl Harboring - Collect 200 pearls.
Pearl Jammer - Collect 150 pearls.
Perfect - Complete every level in perfect moves.
Precise - Complete a stage in perfect moves.
Pro - Complete the 4th shelf.
Quick Thinking - Complete a level in under 5 seconds.
Ring Leader - Used the ring 5 times.
Road to Nowhere - Get stuck in a loop 5 times.
Scenic Rout - Take 3 times as many moves as necessary.
Suicidal - Die on a first move.
Learnt the Ropes - Complete the tutorial.
Magpie - Collect 25 pearls.
Matchmaker - Push 2 sets of blocks together.
Meticulous - Complete a shelf in perfect moves.
Minimalist - Complete 3 levels perfectly.
Time Flies - Play for 30 minutes.
Tired - Push 10 blocks.
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