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There are no cheats for this game available for download...
Cheat Mode
Touch and hold the screen with 4 fingers to bring up the console to enter the following case-sensitive codes and cofirm with "Return" key:

idkfa - Weapons, Ammo, and Keys.
tntamob - Add/Remove Backpack.
tntkeyCT - Add/Remove Key (C=color[b/y/r]; T=type[c/s]).
tntweap# - Add/Remove Weapon (1-8; 1=Berserk).
idclev## - Change Level (## = Episode[1-4], Map[1-9]).
idmus## - Change Music (## = 1 through 45).
resetmaps - Delete Map Statistics.
tntem - Destroy All Enemies.
idchoppers - Obtain Saw.
idbeholdh - Set health to 200%.
idmypos - Show Coordinates.
tntfast - Toggle 'Fast' Enemies.
tntamo# - Toggle Ammo (# - 1=Bullets; 2=shells; 3=rockets; 4=cells; b=backpack.
idbeholds - Toggle Berserk Pack.
iddqd - God Mode #1.
god - God Mode #2.
idclip - No Clipping #1.
idspispopd - No Clipping #2.
tntka - Obtain Keys.
idbeholdi - Toggle Blur Artifact.
idbeholda - Toggle Computer Area Map.
idbeholdv - Toggle Invulnerability Artifact.
idbeholdl - Toggle Light Amplification Visors.
idbeholdr - Toggle Radiation Suit.
give - Weapons and Ammo #1.
idfa - Weapons and Ammo #2.
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